Thursday, 28 February 2008

3 Silo Entrance Glitches for MPO and MPO+.

OK, most of my games are set at the Silo Entrance, and people always ask me how to do the glitches that I do, well here are 3 of my most common glitches and how to do them.

Walking on Air glitch.

To do this glitch, first make you way over to the ramps that lead up to the walkway, which is a common sniping spot.

First step down onto the metal crate behind you, then step back up onto the ramps, this will make it so that you are standing facing perfectly forward. Now you need to make sure your feet are in a similar position to this.
Pay close attention to the foot position, this is really important. Now while holding the L button press the D-pad forward and it should seem like you're walking on air, like this.
Getting Under the Ramps glitch.

This is definitely the one I get asked how to do most, it's how to get under the ramps which lead to the lower section of the map. First of all, take out any gun which you can I'm with and stand diagonally and point it at the vent in front of you, it should look like this, and I have also marked which vent I mean.
Now point you gun at the vent in first person view, and stay diagonal, and then move to the left a little bit. Now take baby steps back, and you should fall through the level, or it will look like you're jumping. If you're jumping, you're doing it right, you just might be too far to the left, or not in the right position, just keep trying until you end up like this.
The Jumping on the Wall glitch.

To do this one you'll need to head up to the roof of the building which is sort of in the center of the stage. Now move to the ledge where there are two walls, and stand diagonally facing the place where the first wall ends, and the other starts, like this.

Now go into first person view, and take baby steps forward, and it should look like you're jumping on the wall, or falling onto it.Hope that helped you all, hope you enjoy the glitches. Happy glitching. And any questions, email me at

Tuesday, 26 February 2008

New MPO+ Soldier on the American Server.

OK, I'm not sure if this is too new, but there is a new pink camo soldier. I don't know too much about it, I think it is hacked. I've seen two people use it so far. Here are a few pics. One from the front then the back.

Apparently the writing on the back says 'Two han princess". I'll give you more news once I get it.

Cardboard Box Glitch.

People that know me from youtube have probably already seen my Cbox glitch video, but I wanted to write how to do it in more detail. Just in case you didn't understand it. And this is also perfect for people who haven't seen the video too. All you need to do this glitch is a vent and a cardboard box. The maps that I will use as examples are the Harbor and the Ghost factory.

First of all, go to the vent. Then equip your cardboard box. Then unequip it. Now hold down the X button, and you should start to go into a crawl, but quickly tap the O (circle) button to quick equip the box before you crawl. Now go into first person view, if you have done it correctly then you should be able to see your feet in front of you. If you don't, then you haven't done it right. It may take a few tries, so don't worry.

Now you need to get the bottom-left corner of the box to go into the wall over the vent. Here are some screenshots of the corner which needs to touch the wall circled in red.

Once the corner touches the wall you should be sucked into the vent. Now you should quickly unequip the box, and you should be under the level in most cases, but in the Harbor you will be on top of the vent near the water. If you've done it right it should look like this.

I really hope this has helped you, happy glitching. :)

Cloning on MPO+.

Cloning on MPO+ is really easy. Cloning is the process of copying a soldier to another player without losing the soldier yourself. This is really useful to give your friends good soldiers and rare soldiers. It should be noted that you cannot clone unique character or items.

To clone you need to create an RC game. The person with the soldier who is going to be killed will need to make sure that the only soldiers in his unit are ones that want to be cloned. Now the other player has to kill the soldier that they want to clone. Then wait for the next round to start. Once it does, the person who has the soldier originally has to press the home button on the psp.

Now you should each have the soldier. :)

Monday, 25 February 2008

SVD glitch for MPO and MPO+

OK, so suddenly there has been an old glitch that is making a huge comeback. Everyone seems to be doing the SVD glitch. I only learnt this recently, and I thought I would show you people how to do it.

In case you didn't know, the SVD glitch is a glitch which allows you to freely move with the SVD. Usually you can only look around with it. This also works with the mosin nagant. But here's a warning, the bullets won't hurt anyone, and the gun will be invisible to you. But others can still see it.

To do this glitch you will need a friend. You will need the sniper rifle of your choice. Your friend will need a magazine.

First of all you need to go into a vent, and equip then unequip the sniper rifle. Then, get your friend to place a magazine far enough away from the vent that when you see it you will stand up, but keep it as close to the vent as you can. The best way to do this accurately is to do this on the silo entrance, and use the vent on the right hand side under the walkway, and place the magazine at the end of the line in front of the vent. Now once the magazine is down, slowly crawl out, and as soon as you begin to stand up to look at the magazine, equip your sniper rifle. Now wait for the magazine to disappear. If you have done it right, you should have something like this.

Easy as that. But don't crawl or go into first person view at all. Else it will go back to normal again. That's all. Happy glitching.

Annoying things on MPO+.

Hey, you might be as annoyed as I am at a few things on MPO+. First of all, people who use SVDs way too much. The ones who stand right infront of you and shoot you in the stomach several times with an SVD. This is so annoying because you stand no chance, unless you headshot really fast. If you're one of the people that does this, please stop. It's annoying and cheap. It will get you kicked from my games for sure, and probably other peoples.

Secondly, swords. Now alot of people come into my games and use swords. I say 'No swords please', and they'll ask why. Heres why. Swords take away big chunks of damage. So if someone else is trying to shoot someone with a sword, the person with the sword will just keep coming closer and keep attacking you. Raiden has the most annoying sword of all. This is because it is really quick, and you basically can't get away from it. The best ways I use to escape swords is headshots before they reach me, or diverolls to knock them over, then run.

There are a few more including hackers, RPGs, shotguns and stealth, but I'll talk about them another time.

Friday, 22 February 2008

Camo Farming.

Camo farming in Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops plus is getting soldiers without actually killing anyone in the process. The way to do this is on Real Combat (RC) mode, create a Shooting Range game. Then you shoot the targets, but don't kill anyone. For doing this you get rewards. The rewards are sometimes not so great. But sometimes you get 'Local Soldiers'.

Local soldiers are soldiers who have a special camouflage design, which includes a map of a certain state of America. It also has the name of the state on the front. You can also get other soldiers which are only available through AP Scan and this RC reward system, such as female ocelot unit soldiers and KGBs to name a couple.

There are other ways of camo farming. Playing a capture mission on RC mode, take it in turns to capture the kerotan frog without killing people. Or so both of you get some soldiers in the same round, take in turns to stun one another. Then capture the kerotan, and you should both have some rewards.

Thursday, 21 February 2008


Hello! My name is Mr.Ste. Some of you might know me as [TUS]NULL0, or [RNV]VAMP. Anyways, this is my new Metal Gear Solid Blog, For my other, probably more interesting one go check out here.I will try my best to do atleast one post a day on both blogs. But you know, I might be busy, so yeh.

On here you should fine an interesting variety of links, glitches, news and maybe some of my artwork. Any of you that haven't seen my youtube channel, check it out here. That's just about it at the moment, if you have any questions at all feel free to reach me by e-mail, my e-mail is

Well this is Mr.Ste saying goodbye for now but I will update this and my other blog soon.